experience n. 1.经验,体验。 2.见识,经历,阅历。 3.〔pl.〕 【宗教】灵性的感受。 E- is the mother of science [wisdom]. 〔谚语〕经验为学问之母。 an unpleasant experience一次不愉快的经历。 a man of vast worldly experience富有处世经验的人。 have experience with (persons) 和(某些人)打交道有经验。 experience in teaching 教学经验。 E- keeps a clear school. 经验学校学费高;苦头吃得多,学问也增多。 E- teaches. =E- does it. 经验使人聪明。 vt. 1.经验,体验。 2.感受,经历。 3.(从经验中)知道,发现。 be thoroughly [poorly] experienced in 在…方面十分有[缺乏]经验。 experience great pleasure 觉得很快活。 experience religion [美俚]获得信仰。 adj. -able ,-less adj.,-r n.
Tess was full of strong feelings, but untouched by experience . 苔丝感情强烈,但未经世故。
All discoveries have to be assessed by experienced geologists on foot . 所有铀矿床都是由有经验的地质人员在地面上作出评价的。
We have found by experience that distance can be measured in another fashion: by triangulation . 我们曾经凭经验发现可以用另一种方式来测量距离:即用三角法。
On the lips of a person less advanced in life and less enlightened by experience than mrs. touchett such a declaration would savor of immodesty, even of arrogance . 在一个涉世未深,不如杜歇夫人那么见多识广的人的嘴上,这样的话未免带有傲慢、甚至狂妄的味道。
It is costly wisdom that is bought by experience 用经验买来的智慧是昂贵的。
Insane jumps can be achieved by experienced riders 疯狂的跃迁可能由老练的车手达到。
By experiences , i knew now i became well 根据经验,我知道现在开始好转了。
I ve lived these principles . i ve learned them by experience 这是我透过经验学会,并在学习中得著。
All the lectures are given by experienced foreign teachers 授课教师:由具有教学资质的外教亲自授课。